Monday, February 13, 2023

IRS News - Form 7203 e-file support

The IRS is not adding e-file support for Form 7203 in tax year 2022. The 7203 will need to be attached as a PDF for tax year 2022.

Purpose of Form

Use Form 7203 to figure potential limitations of your share of the S corporation's deductions, credits, and other items that can be deducted on your return.

Who Must File
Form 7203 is filed by S corporation shareholders who:
  • Are claiming a deduction for their share of an aggregate loss from an S corporation (including an aggregate loss not allowed last year because of basis limitations),
  • Received a non-dividend distribution from an S corporation,
  • Disposed of stock in an S corporation (whether or not gain is recognized), or
  • Received a loan repayment from an S corporation.