Saturday, January 2, 2021

Pre-Ack and Bank Product Season Readiness


Today marks the beginning of the tax season for those of you offering Pre-acknowledgement advances through our bank partners.  We have prepared a FAQ for you to review with common questions for our pre-ack product. 

If you haven’t enrolled to offer bank products yet, our partners are still open and accepting enrollment applications for all products. 

Once you have enrolled, check out our FAQ below for pre-ack advance products

How do I  apply for pre-ack inside of the return? 

On the main information, Select bank products and check the box for the appropriate bank (your active bank).  You will then visit the bank application and complete the necessary steps, including selecting advance and the taxpayers preferred disbursement.  Once that is completed you will efile the return. 

What is EFC reject 91?

EFC 91 is an EFC reject you will receive when the bank rejects the Pre-ack return.  To fix these rejects the print the ack report and search for the bank rejection, this will tell you what is the reject is and you can fix and resend.