Saturday, January 28, 2017

IRS Reject 195/196 for IPAddress

Scenario: You efiled a return and received IRS Reject 195/196 with wording similar to this

<ErrorMessageTxt>'IPAddress' in 'AtSubmissionCreationGrp' in 'FilingSecurityInformation' in the Return Header must have a valid value.

<ErrorMessageTxt>'IPAddress' in 'AtSubmissionFilingGrp' in 'FilingSecurityInformation' in the Return Header must have a valid value.


One of these can be fixed by you immediately. Note the words in red. If your wording is 'filing', then you can fix this reject yourself. Verify that you are live on the internet on that computer with a solid, strong internet connection.  Open the return, create a new efile and send.  If you repeatedly get this reject, verify your internet connection is strong, especially if you are on wireless.  A spotty connection causes a value to populate that field that will result in this reject. 
Also, if you create efiles offline, while not connected to the internet, you will likely get this reject. To resolve that, recreate the efile after you are live again on the internet, then send it. 

Another clue, If the field is blank/all zeros, then you can resolve this error yourself.
Simply create a new efile and send. The act of recreating the efile causes Refunds Today to attempt to populate that blank field with your computer IP Address

The other reject, with the wording 'creation' cannot be resolved by you. That field is saved to the database and can only be remedied by a technician. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

How to Unlock Non-Admin Users in Refunds Today 2016

If a non-admin user becomes locked, the Admin user should use the following steps to unlock the user:
  1. Login as the Admin user.
  2. Click the Tools menu, then select Utilities/Setup Assistant.
  3. From the Utility, click the Setup menu, then click Setup Assistant.
  4. From Setup Assistant, click the Groups & Users tab.
  5. Click the user you wish to unlock and click the View/Edit button. Once the Modify User dialog opens, you will see the Account Locked check box selected:
  6. To unlock the account, remove the check box and click OK. The user account is no longer locked.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Rejects 199/200/201 **Rekey on Main Info and 1040 Form Both

You efiled a return and received these IRS rejects, all three rejects on the same return

'RoutingTransitNum' in 'AtSubmissionCreationGrp' in 'AdditionalFilerInformation' in the Return Header must have a value
'DepositorAccountNum' in 'AtSubmissionCreationGrp' in 'AdditionalFilerInformation' in the Return Header must have a value
'BankAccountDataCapturedTs' in 'AtSubmissionCreationGrp' in 'AdditionalFilerInformation' in the Return Header must have a value

Verify that you are completely updated with program AND modules. 
The US Module needed is version 3 or later.  This is not program version 31.03...this is the federal 1040 module version 3.
In Refunds Today, under the COMMUNICATION menu, there are two options to connect and download program and module updates separately.
Once you are updated, open and edit the return
***New Information: For non-bank Direct Deposits (no bank), rekey the RTN and Account Number on the Main Information Sheet and on the Tax Form (1040, 1040A, 1040EZ as applicable).

Create a new efile and send

Note- US Module version 3 is the minimum version required to efile now, so any returns created with an earlier version will EFC reject. The EFC wording will say that you need to update and resend.

AZ Efile Validation Error for Driver's License Entry *Resolved

You attempt to create an efile for a return with AZ state attached and you get a validation error similar to this:

The element {spouse drivers license or ID} has invalid child element

You have entered the driver's license number, expiration date, and state initials properly, but you continue to see the error.

We are actively researching this now. Please hold these returns until a resolution is provided on this blog post. 

Updated 1-23-17
We have resolved this issue and the remedy will be released in AZ Module update version 3, midweek.

Updated 1-25-17
AZ ver 3 is in production now

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Rejects 199/200/201 **Revised Answer

You efiled a return and received these IRS rejects, all three rejects on the same return

'RoutingTransitNum' in 'AtSubmissionCreationGrp' in 'AdditionalFilerInformation' in the Return Header must have a value
'DepositorAccountNum' in 'AtSubmissionCreationGrp' in 'AdditionalFilerInformation' in the Return Header must have a value
'BankAccountDataCapturedTs' in 'AtSubmissionCreationGrp' in 'AdditionalFilerInformation' in the Return Header must have a value

Verify that you are completely updated with program AND modules. 
The US Module needed is version 3 or later.  This is not program version 31.03...this is the federal 1040 module version 3.
In Refunds Today, under the COMMUNICATION menu, there are two options to connect and download program and module updates separately.
Once you are updated, open and edit the return
***New Information: Rekey the RTN and Account number. 
Create a new efile and send

Note- US Module version 3 is the minimum version required to efile now, so any returns created with an earlier version will EFC reject. The EFC wording will say that you need to update and resend.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

How to Read Validation Errors, Track E-files, and Manage Rejects

How to read validation errors and track e-files.
After you run Diagnostics in TaxWise, the first errors displayed are electronic filing errors. These errors are displayed in red, hyperlinked text. Click the link to jump to the affected form and entry. There, you can correct the problem and run diagnostics again.
Once e-file errors are cleared, validation errors can occur in the diagnostics window.
  • The error begins with wording that appears like a web address (“ Ignore the web address in the error.
  • ‘Element’ means a field on that particular form.
  • ‘The value’ means the entry that you typed in that field or that calculated into that field
  • Refer to this example validation error:
    '' element is invalid - "The value" is invalid according to its datatype '' - The Pattern constraint failed.
    • This section of the error, OtherExpenseDescription', refers to the field of the form that contains the invalid entry
    • ‘The value’ section of the error refers to the text typed into that particular field
  • Click the link and it will jump you to that field so you can fix the error. If the link doesn't automatically jump you to the error, you will need to manually navigate to the error.
NOTE: A large portion of validation errors are punctuation. Be sure to check for stray periods, hyphens or quotes in a field.
Be sure to track your e-filed returns and see the exact field causing the IRS reject. Click here for instructions.

Manage your rejects and outstanding acknowledgements and bank acknowledgements.
In TaxWise, follow these steps:
  • As acknowledgements are received, review and correct rejects timely.
  • Use the Management Reports to verify acceptance status of your e-files. Acceptance SummaryAwaiting IRS/State Acks SummaryOutstanding Rejected Returns, and IRS Extension Summary are some excellent reports to utilize to verify the acceptance status of your returns.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Refunds Today now accepting 1040 e-files / early participation

Federal & State Individual Returns

We will begin accepting 1040 e-files into our Electronic Filing Center today, January 12th 2017 at approximately 3:30pm EST.

Most e-filed returns submitted will be held until the IRS MeF system opens on January 23rd.

Refunds Today does participate in the controlled release process with IRS. As such, a small number of returns may be transmitted to IRS, and customers may see real acknowledgements/rejects as a result. There is no guarantee that returns sent to our EFC will be transmitted to IRS early.


As soon as we receive acks back from the IRS, we will process any associated bank apps and send them to the appropriate banks.

Program Updates

Please ensure you have fully updated Refunds Today, as well as all applicable modules prior to creating and submitting e-files.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Status Charts for Forms/Modules/Efile Delivery Dates

 Access our status pages below for expected delivery dates: 

Refer to this page for expected delivery dates of modules and activation of efile
Modules and Efile Delivery

Refer to this *new* page for status of particular forms delivery 

1-5-2017 note- the 1040 state modules are scheduled to begin delivery on Friday Jan 6th. Federal and bank modules were delivered earlier this week. Business states are scheduled to begin delivery the week of Jan 9th