You efiled a return and received these IRS rejects, all three rejects on the same return
'RoutingTransitNum' in 'AtSubmissionCreationGrp' in 'AdditionalFilerInformation' in the Return Header must have a value
'DepositorAccountNum' in 'AtSubmissionCreationGrp' in 'AdditionalFilerInformation' in the Return Header must have a value
'BankAccountDataCapturedTs' in 'AtSubmissionCreationGrp' in 'AdditionalFilerInformation' in the Return Header must have a value
Verify that you are completely updated with program AND modules.
The US Module needed is version 3 or later. This is not program version 31.03...this is the federal 1040 module version 3.
In Refunds Today, under the COMMUNICATION menu, there are two options to connect and download program and module updates separately.
Once you are updated, open and edit the return
***New Information: Rekey the RTN and Account number.
Create a new efile and send
In Refunds Today, under the COMMUNICATION menu, there are two options to connect and download program and module updates separately.
Once you are updated, open and edit the return
***New Information: Rekey the RTN and Account number.
Create a new efile and send
Note- US Module version 3 is the minimum version required to efile now, so any returns created with an earlier version will EFC reject. The EFC wording will say that you need to update and resend.