Every Submission ID must be unique. If you are creating e-files on multiple non-networked computers you must take certain steps to avoid assigning the same Submission ID to different returns.
If you are preparing returns for e-filing on multiple non-networked (stand-alone) computers, you must estimate the number of returns that will be prepared on each computer and enter "Current Submission IDs" that are far enough apart that there will be no duplication of numbers with another computer during the tax season.
For example, if you have two non-networked computers in your office plus a laptop which you use in clients' homes, you might pre-set the Current Submission ID on each machine as follows:
- On computer #1, leave it at one.
- On computer #2, change it to 10000.
- On computer #3, change it to 20000.
The first computer generates the numbers 1-9999.
The second computer generates the numbers 10000-19999.
The third computer generates the numbers 20000-99999.
You should estimate the number of returns that will be prepared on each computer and allow enough numbers so that there will be no duplication of numbers during the tax season. The highest possible number is 99999.
Additional Information
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