Monday, October 31, 2022

Reminder: EFC and IRS E-filing Shutdown for TY 2019-2021 - Individual Returns

IRS has announced its MeF (e-file) shutdown and cutover for Tax Year 2021. To ensure that all Form 1040 tax returns e-filed through the MeF system are processed in a timely manner, submissions must occur before IRS shuts down the system on Saturday, November 26, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.

In order to allow the states ample time for processing these returns, the Wolters Kluwer E-File Center (EFC) will stop accepting individual returns (both federal and state) for the current processing year on Tuesday, November 22nd at 11:59 pm Eastern Time.

1040 E-file submissions for Tax Years 2019, 2020 and 2021 are included in this change. Because not all state agencies process returns in “real-time”, this schedule should allow sufficient time for agencies to post their acknowledgements for the WK EFC to pick up. 

After the shutdown occurs, the WK EFC will not accept individual returns (federal and/or state) until IRS comes back online in early January 2023. However, preparers can continue picking up acknowledgements through mid-December.

Important to Note:

  • Tax Year 2019 returns will no longer be eligible for e-filing by the WK EFC after Tuesday, November 22nd at 11:59 pm Eastern Time. Any acknowledgements must be retrieved by the user no later than mid-December for TY19 e-files. EFC for TY19 will not be available after mid-December 2022 to pick up these acks.
  • Business Returns: Business returns are not affected by this schedule as IRS has not yet announced the business cutover schedule and will do so at a later time.
  • Disaster Relief Extension to File: This shutdown will also affect taxpayers who received a disaster relief extension to file. If the disaster extended due date falls within this shutdown time frame, you must do one of the following:
    • Submit the returns electronically before the shutdown begins.
    • Hold the return and transmit it when the IRS reopens in January.
    • File them on paper after the shutdown.  If filed on paper, applicable opt-out documentation may be necessary. Please consult the taxing authority guidelines on how to opt-out of electronic filing.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

EFC and IRS E-filing Shutdown for TY 2019-2021 - Individual Returns

IRS has announced its MeF (e-file) shutdown and cutover for Tax Year 2021. To ensure that all Form 1040 tax returns e-filed through the MeF system are processed in a timely manner, submissions must occur before IRS shuts down the system on Saturday, November 26, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.

In order to allow the states ample time for processing these returns, the Wolters Kluwer E-File Center (EFC) will stop accepting individual returns (both federal and state) for the current processing year on Tuesday, November 22nd at 11:59 pm Eastern Time.

1040 E-file submissions for Tax Years 2019, 2020 and 2021 are included in this change. Because not all state agencies process returns in “real-time”, this schedule should allow sufficient time for agencies to post their acknowledgements for the WK EFC to pick up. 

After the shutdown occurs, the WK EFC will not accept individual returns (federal and/or state) until IRS comes back online in early January 2023. However, preparers can continue picking up acknowledgements through mid-December.

Important to Note:

  • Tax Year 2019 returns will no longer be eligible for e-filing by the WK EFC after Tuesday, November 22nd at 11:59 pm Eastern Time. Any acknowledgements must be retrieved by the user no later than mid-December for TY19 e-files. EFC for TY19 will not be available after mid-December 2022 to pick up these acks.
  • Business Returns: Business returns are not affected by this schedule as IRS has not yet announced the business cutover schedule and will do so at a later time.
  • Disaster Relief Extension to File: This shutdown will also affect taxpayers who received a disaster relief extension to file. If the disaster extended due date falls within this shutdown time frame, you must do one of the following:
    • Submit the returns electronically before the shutdown begins.
    • Hold the return and transmit it when the IRS reopens in January.
    • File them on paper after the shutdown.  If filed on paper, applicable opt-out documentation may be necessary. Please consult the taxing authority guidelines on how to opt-out of electronic filing.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Delay in Massachusetts Acknowledgements (Acks)

The Massachusetts Department of Revenue has provided us with the following information:

Massachusetts will not be issuing MeF acknowledgements for a limited time period starting Friday, October 21, 2022, at 11:00 PM EDT and ending Monday, October 24, 2022 at 6:00 AM EDT. Any outstanding MeF acknowledgements will be issued on Monday, October 24, 2022, after 6:00 AM EDT. 

Monday, October 17, 2022

EFC Reject 63 - "The return submitted contains a duplicate Submission ID.

 Every Submission ID must be unique. If you are creating e-files on multiple non-networked computers you must take certain steps to avoid assigning the same Submission ID to different returns.

If you are preparing returns for e-filing on multiple non-networked (stand-alone) computers, you must estimate the number of returns that will be prepared on each computer and enter "Current Submission IDs" that are far enough apart that there will be no duplication of numbers with another computer during the tax season.

For example, if you have two non-networked computers in your office plus a laptop which you use in clients' homes, you might pre-set the Current Submission ID on each machine as follows:

  • On computer #1, leave it at one.
  • On computer #2, change it to 10000.
  • On computer #3, change it to 20000.

The first computer generates the numbers 1-9999.
The second computer generates the numbers 10000-19999.
The third computer generates the numbers 20000-99999.

You should estimate the number of returns that will be prepared on each computer and allow enough numbers so that there will be no duplication of numbers during the tax season. The highest possible number is 99999.

Additional Information

Para obtener la versión en español de este artículo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aquí: Rechazo de EFC 63 en TaxWise®

Overview – IRS Reject Code: 8962-070 related to Form 8962, Premium Tax Credit(PTC)



Customers who file a return which should include Form 8962, Premium Tax Credit, may receive the following Reject Code, F8962-070:
“The e-File database indicates that Form 8962 or a binary attachment with description containing "ACA Explanation" must be present in the return.”


Reject Code F8962-070 is a legitimate reject code.

The IRS implemented this check for taxpayers who received the Premium Tax Credit (PTC) payments during the 2021 Tax Year. Taxpayers must add Form 8962 to the return to reconcile the payments received against the credit calculated and either pay back or get additional refund.

In addition, the Taxpayer must include information from Form 1095A, Health Insurance Marketplace, as part of their return before submitting.

  • “You will use the information from the Form 1095-A to calculate the amount of your premium tax credit. You will also use this form to reconcile advance payments of the premium tax credit made on your behalf with the premium tax credit you are claiming on your tax return. To do this you will use Form 8962, Premium Tax Credit, which you file with your tax return.”  Source: IRS, Form 1095-A, Health Insurance Marketplace

Additional Resources:

Important Filing Deadline Information

The 2021 1040 extension filing season is coming to a close.

We strongly encourage you to transmit your e-files at least two hours before the midnight deadline.

As the October 17th midnight deadline approaches, the processing volume at the IRS will increase daily. Both return volume and return size will affect processing time. While you are accustomed to receiving your Federal acknowledgements within a one hour time-frame, that turnaround time will increase as the deadline approaches. You may see your acknowledgements take from 2 to 4 hours, and possibly longer.

This is why we suggest that you send returns periodically throughout the day. This will help spread out the volume and also help eliminate some of the 'deadline rush' which also impacts IRS processing.

Contact Hours
This is a reminder that the TaxWise offices will be be open for extended hours today.

Phone support: 8pm EST
Chat support: 10pm EST

Please feel free to Contact Us online if you have any questions.
  • Chat at TaxWise Chat (
  • Open a Support case 
    • Select the option that best describes your issue and complete all applicable information. Our support team will research your issue or question and contact you with an answer.