Customers who file a return including Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation and is also claiming line 16 (Nonrefundable Credits) will receive the following Reject Code, F8379-021:“If Form 8379, 'NonrefundableCreditsAmt' in 'JointReturnAmtGrp' has a non-zero value, then it must be equal to Form 1040, 'TotalNonrefundableCreditsAmt'.
Per the IRS, this is a known issue:
Business Rule F8379-021 is erroneously rejecting returns due to an incorrect element name in the business rule.
Please refrain from submitting a tax return with a Form 8379 attached if you are claiming line 16 (Nonrefundable credits) until this has been resolved.
The Business Rule will be updated in a future release for Tax Year 2021.
Note: We will update this post once the IRS releases additional information concerning when this will be corrected,